Bed and Breakfast—The Easiest Home-Based Business
There’s an exciting new “down-home” kind of business springing up among homeowners all across the country. It’s called Bed and Breakfast.
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Start Your Own Carpet Cleaning Business Now! Get Your Carpet Cleaning Business Plan Now! There are two fairly new, and very important conditions existing in the world today that have not only made the carpet cleaning industry a “billion dollar business,” but also practically guarantee your success as an entrepreneur … Read more
There’s an exciting new “down-home” kind of business springing up among homeowners all across the country. It’s called Bed and Breakfast.
People with money seem to be on a binge to prove their status and flaunt their wealth by staging large, catered parties. As a matter of fact, in some circles of affluency, a party or social get-together isn’t considered an event of any significance unless it’s a catered affair.
With the same kind of reasoning, businesses of all sizes are using catered lunches, cocktail parties and dinner meetings to build their images and increase company sales. It’s a matter of keeping up with the competition in promoting a company and/or product.
On a smaller, but just as busy marketing scale, more and more working mothers are paying to have catered birthday and graduation parties, as well as wedding receptions handled by caterers. The reasons are simple to understand – if she’s working outside the home, today’s mother just doesn’t have the time or the energy to do all the planning and staging of a memorable party.
Besides those reasons for turning everything over to a caterer working mothers feel a little guilty about the time away from their children they lose because of their jobs. Thus, they’re ready and willing to make it all up to them by paying for a lavish party the child will remember for years to come.
Caterers handle everything from birthday parties for children, to breakfast in bed and intimate candlelight dinners for two, to company dinner parties for 50 and wedding receptions involving a thousand or more guests. This kind of entrepreneurial business is definitely growing and becoming more popular with people of all income levels.
There’s a definite need for day care centers as more and more mothers of pre-school age children are forced to find jobs outside the home. This is due in part to the current economy, and unfortunately, to the high divorce rate, which means mothers who might ordinarily stay at home and care for their own children must seek income to help make ends meet.
Operating a used bookstore is a lot like owning a recycling center – not too glamourous until you take a look at the owner’s bank account.